A confiscated male tiger cub, currently residing at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park, has become a star attraction overnight—unbeknownst to him. Since his arrival this past Wednesday, the cub has been doing well and is thriving in his new surroundings under the watchful eyes of the dedicated animal care team who are caring for him.
News of the tiger cub’s arrival has quickly spread, and when keepers opened the screen covering the nursery window this morning, a huge crowd had already gathered outside waiting for a chance to see him.

“Because he’s doing so well, beginning today, the cub will be on display between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. every day, and if the lights are out in the window that might mean he’s taking a ‘catnap,’” said Lissa McCaffree, lead keeper at the Ione and Paul Harter Animal Care Center.
The cub is being bottle-fed six times a day with a special carnivore formula made for exotic carnivores. He is steadily gaining weight and this morning weighed in at 6.8 pounds. His teeth are coming in and he’s chewing on everything in sight—stuffed toys, blankets, even his paws.
Guests watching the cub through the nursery window this morning were able to watch Eileen Neff, senior keeper for the animal care team, as she used a wet cotton ball to give the cub a bath. This procedure mimics how wild mother tigers bathe their cubs after feedings.
San Diego Zoo Global will continue to provide care and sanctuary for the cub until U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service officials determine his permanent home.