Zoo and Safari Park Officially Kick Off Weekend Festivities, Month of Free Admission for Kids, Presented by Mission Fed
Cheers erupted early last Saturday morning at the San Diego Zoo, as Zoo staff officially kicked off the first weekend of October Kids Free revelry. Early Zoo guests were treated to a special animal presentation and a ribbon cutting that opened the zoo to children and their families. Now in its 30th year, Kids Free presented by Mission Fed allows children ages 11 and younger to get free admission to both the San Diego Zoo and the San Diego Zoo Safari Park throughout October. In addition, every weekend will feature special interactive activities and experiences to help kids connect with wildlife in fun and exciting ways.
On Saturdays and Sundays at the Zoo, kids and their families will be able to watch as more than two dozen different animals receive special enrichment items, giving kids an opportunity to marvel at their intelligence, strength, and beauty—while discovering one of the ways zoo staff helps the animals thrive. At the Koalafornia Boardwalk, Dr. Zoolittle will thrill audiences with a wild and hilarious new show on how to use the same positive reinforcement techniques trainers utilize for Zoo animals to get kids—and maybe even adults—to wash dishes, do the laundry, clean the house, and more! And every day at 1 p.m., Zoo guests are invited to the Wegeforth Bowl at Discovery Outpost to watch trainers work with the Zoo’s animal stars, as they get used to the newly renovated amphitheater and prepare for an exciting new show.

A ribbon cutting marked the first weekend of Kids Free revelry at the San Diego Zoo and the San Diego Zoo Safari Park.
During weekends at the Safari Park, Kids Free festivities will also be in full swing, as a lucky child will be chosen to help out during each Frequent Flyer bird show and Cheetah Run demonstration. Kids will get the opportunity to have up-close encounters with animals, and let their creativity go “wild” while experimenting with nature craft materials—letting them discover that having fun doesn’t have to involve a machine. A ride on the Africa Tram and a turn on the Conservation Carousel will add to the fun, broadening smiles and creating memories.
During Kids Free, the Zoo is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and the Safari Park is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day in October. All children under the age of 15 must be accompanied by a paid adult during their visit to the Zoo and the Safari Park. For more information on Kids Free presented by Mission Fed, show times and activity schedules, visit sandiegozoo.org/kidsfree and sdzsafaripark.org/kidsfree
Bringing species back from the brink of extinction is the goal of San Diego Zoo Global. As a leader in conservation, the work of San Diego Zoo Global includes on-site wildlife conservation efforts (representing both plants and animals) at the San Diego Zoo, San Diego Zoo Safari Park, and San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation Research, as well as international field programs on six continents. The work of these entities is inspiring children through the San Diego Zoo Kids network, reaching out through the Internet and in children’s hospitals nationwide. The work of San Diego Zoo Global is made possible by the San Diego Zoo Global Wildlife Conservancy and is supported in part by the Foundation of San Diego Zoo Global.
Photo taken on Oct. 3, 2015 by Tammy Spratt, San Diego Zoo