Disclaimer: These are wild animals, and must be treated as such. That doesn’t mean we can’t pretend. 🙂
You know you really want to rub this little spotted belly…
and this meer belly…
and this Andean bear belly…
and this polar pot belly…

and this panda paunch.

Aisha’s little red tummy is just asking for a good rub.
Jaguar cub Maderas (born at the Zoo in 2012) had perhaps the most rub-able belly of all.
But Nindiri’s latest cub definitely gives Maderas a run for her money in the belly department.
When Mr. Wu was a cub had the cutest panda pot belly ever.

And he still does.
Joanne’s fuzzy little tummy is just screaming “rub me!”

Just look at it.
Lion cubs Ken & Dixie were not lacking in the cute belly department.


Izu seems to disagree.

But seriously, Mr. Wu just might be the winner of cutest belly ever.

Case in point.

Actually, maybe it’s a tie.
Yep, definitely a tie.
Matt Steele is senior social media planner for San Diego Zoo Global. Read his previous post, 7 Animals That Look Like Star Wars Characters.